Goma, the provincial capital of North Kivu, grapples with pronounced demographic fluctuations due to the dual threats of volcanic activity and escalating conflict. The eruptions of Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira have devastated the livelihoods of those dependent on agriculture and livestock, with toxic gasses and contamination of water and pastures posing significant risks to both humans and animals. Compounding this environmental peril is the pervasive insecurity stemming from numerous active armed factions.
These groups contribute to the unrest and frequently drive internal displacement within the rural areas surrounding the city. OCHA reports a staggering number of 521,000 displaced individuals across the province, including 233,000 in the makeshift camps of Nyiragongo, reflecting the severe impact of the violence. With a population comprising refugees and others in extreme vulnerability, Let Africa Live intervenes with a commitment to alleviate the suffering of those who have endured sexual assault, war and gender-based violence. We focus on restoring psychological health and promoting socio economic reintegration through professional training, aiming to provide survivors with the means to secure their own income, achieve financial autonomy and transition towards normalcy in their lives.