Bunyakiri, located within the Kalehe territory in the northern part of South Kivu province, is plagued by intercommunity clashes involving Bantu-speaking indigenous peoples and armed factions such as Maï-Maï Kirikicho, Raïa Mutomboki and various Nyatura groups. This has led to a segment of young people who have defected from these armed groups, and others who are still loosely associated with them, reintegrating into the community. The area is also marked by a high incidence of sexual violence against women by combatants, as noted by Sheria Nfundiko in 2015, resulting in a significant number of children born from such assaults.
Additionally, Bunyakiri has become a refuge for displaced persons from North Kivu, causing local schools to be repurposed as shelters. In response to these challenges, Let Africa Live is implementing professional training and psychosocial support initiatives as part of its socio-economic and community reintegration program, aiming to aid the displaced, survivors of sexual violence and former child soldiers through psychological rehabilitation and the development of self-sustaining income-generating activities.